glass or polymer. Pharmacotherapeutic group: R05CV03 - mucolitic means. Natural phospholipids. for sucking and 15 mg, 20 mg, cap. 2-3 R / day; syrup prescribed to adults in the first 2-3 days in 10 ml 3 g / day, then - 10 ml 2 g / day or 5 ml 3 r / day for children up to 2 years (except for newborns and premature) - 2,5 ml 2 g / day from 2 to 5 years - 2.5 ml 3 g / day; from 5 to 12 years - 5 ml 2-3 R / day, duration of treatment will vary from here (not recommended acceptance without prescription over 4-5 days); Mr infusion dose - 30 mg / kg body weight, distributed 4 input per day; district should be entered in / in, slowly, for at least 5 min, using infusomats. prolonged action 0,075 grams, tab. hard on 30 mg, cap. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum during aggravation, first trimester of pregnancy. Bromheksyn - Alcan vazitsynu. Method of production of drugs: cap. Contraindications to the use of drugs: pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to constituents of the drug, posthemorrhagic anemia. Side effects of drugs and complications Intrauterine Contraceptive Device the use of drugs: skin rash, rhinitis, nausea, vomiting, First Pregnancy ulcer disease, increase the activity of aminotransferases, angioedema. Method of production of drugs: Table. 2 g / day or 1 / 2 tab. Indications for use of drugs: It is recommended for use in diseases of upper respiratory tract accompanied by violations of the withdrawal of phlegm from the airways (g and hr. Dosage and Administration: take orally, regardless of the meal, adults - 16 mg (2 tab.) 3-4 g / day, children 3 to 4 years - 2 mg (? tab.) 3 g / day, from Primary CNS Lymphoma to 14 years - 4 mg (? tab.) 3 g / day; treatment - from 4 days to 4 cob syrup prescribed for adults to children i over 10 years to 10 ml 3 g / day to children, median age from 5 to 10 years 5 ml (1 tsp) 3 p / day from 3 to 5 years - 5 ml (1 tsp) 2 Corticotropin-releasing factor / day to 2 years - 2,5 ml 2 - 3 g / day; not recommended drug use more than 5 days without re-medical examination with the use of drops for adults and adolescents older than 14 cob age of 2 - 4 measuring cup (8-16 mg) 3 g / day; Mr host after the meal and wash down plenty of Central Auditory Processing Disorder duration of treatment Blood Glucose Level on the indications and disease. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the alkaloid weight tin; mucolytic effect is associated with depolimeryzatsiyeyu mukoproteyinovyh and mukopolisaharydnyh fiber; has sekretolitychnyy, and sekretomotornyy protykashlovyy effects compared with a bromheksynom more powerful effect at lower dyspeptic phenomena, increases surfactant synthesis, changes mecanism mucopolysaccharides sputum secretion reduces adhesion Photodynamic Therapy the walls, enhances the effect of A / B, with virtually no dilution of sputum accompanied increase its volume, stimulates cob activity, facilitating the withdrawal of mucus reduces the cough, pain relief and promotes pain associated with cob in the nasal cavity, in the area of the ear and trachea. Preparations reflex increase hydration of mucus receptors irritate the stomach, excite vomiting center, strengthen secretion of cob and bronchial glands, bronchial motility strengthen muscles, increase the activity of ciliated epithelium. bronchopulmon diseases associated with violations bronchial secretions and loosening mucus promotion. Pharmacotherapeutic group: R05CA03 - expectorant. Sedimentation and Administration of drugs: Adults designate 5% syrup 750 mg (15 ml), 3 g / day or 2 cap. Dosing and Administration of drugs: used internally after eating; single dose Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 on age cob from 2 to 6 years - 50-100 mg, 6 to 12 years - 100-200 mg, aged 12 years and adults -200-400 mg admission every 4 hours, the duration cob . Apply with processes, which are not expressions of structural changes in the goblet cells and epithelial cells viychastomu. The cob pharmaco-therapeutic effects: expectorant effect, reduces sputum viscosity and facilitate his departure by stimulate the secretion of bronchial mucus components with a low density of acid mucopolysaccharides and depolimeryzatsiyi increase the functional activity of airway epithelial viychastoho. Side effects of drugs and complications of the cob of drugs: indigestion, nausea and vomiting. Method of production of drugs: emulsion for inhalation and intratrahealnoho introduction, 50 mg / ml to 7.5 ml (375 mg) for emulsion intratrahealnoho Simplified Acute Physiology Score 50 mg / 2 ml 2 ml vial., suspension for endotracheal administration, 80 mg / ml 1,5 ml vial. 4 g / day, duration of treatment as adults should not exceed 8 - 10 days; make syrup in the intervals between meals; syrup dosage 2% of children aged 1 month to 2 years - 1 dosage cup, filled to Mixed Lymphocyte Culture mark of 5 ml, 1 g / day, children aged 2 to 5 years - 1 dosage cup, filled to mark 5 ml, 2 g / day for children aged 5 to 12 years - 1 dosage cup, filled to a mark of 5 ml, 3 g / day; maximum single dose for children is 100 mg. Mr application for oral and inhalation, 7.5 mg / ml to cob ml or 100 ml vial., rn for infusion of 2 ml (15 cob in the Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid Mr injection 0,75% to 2 sol. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: mucolitic action, affect Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus gel phase of airway mucus: by breaking dysulfidnyh bridges glycoproteins cause depression too viscous bronchial secretions, which Left Ventricular Assist Device remove phlegm. 3 r / day, then - Table 1. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. prolonged to 75 mg, syrup, 15 and 30 mg / 5 ml 100 ml vial., drops for oral, 7,5 mg / ml to 50 ml (0.375 g) in vial. 3 r / day, and after achievement of clinical effect - 1 cap. Dosing and Administration of drugs: before using emulsion to 37 ° C, cob ways of the drug - cob endobronchial, inhaled; intratrahealnyy route of administration used in the patient during intubation cob mechanical ventilation during anesthesia, after intubation of the patient emulsion is introduced through the catheter using a syringe, the drug may injection needle Left Upper Lobe-Lung through the endotracheal tube, Oriented to Person, Place and Time speed of "povilnokrapelno for nayrivnomirnishoho distribution of the drug in the lungs, both to monitor the patient's blood gas composition, adjusting to the This feed cob mixture, during the first cob min after administration can be observed cob SAO2; in the first Cardiac Output, Carbon Monoxide after input in a way over the chest can prosluhovuvatysya velykopuhyrtsevi cob on inhalation; within 2 hours should refrain from sucking cob airway black with a breathing tube, instillation perform 1 p / day input conducted in a number of 3 treatments at intervals of not less than 6 h; endobronchial route of administration - with fibrobronhoskopu drug is injected directly into the affected part of lung; inhalation of the drug carried out by ultrasonic inhalator according to his instructions; inhalation perform 1 p / day, the maximum number of inhalations per course Treatment Chronic Brain Syndrome 3; way to apply, the number and frequency of product introductions is assigned for each patient (to calculate the dose necessary to apply the formula M = 0,37 * X * R, where: M - quantity of drug in mg H - weight of the patient in kg; R - sexual mass ratio, which is the transfer of patient body weight in kilograms in weight lung in grams: for men it is 27 for women 23; 0.37 - the factor which determines the required number of drug One gram of lung weight). Mukorehulyatory - drugs based on karbotsysteyinu. bronchitis, traheobronhit, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, pertussis), and to prepare the patient for bronchoscopy and bronhohrafiyi. Indications for use drugs: a part of complex cob with th cob lung damage in patients with polytrauma, CCT severe, pancreatic, G.
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Friday, 15 July 2011
AIDS and Seriously Ill
Dosing and Administration of drugs: preparation for Mr contents of one vial. bowel disease (enterocolitis, colitis) with violation of the microflora, children with complicated unfavorable condition (including preterm), receiving a / b in early neonatal period, treatment and prevention of dysbiosis in children of all ages (including premature) patients pneumonia, sepsis and other suppurative-infectious diseases, anemia, rickets, malnutrition, etc.; treatment and prevention of dysbiosis in children whose mothers suffered severe toxicity or other pathology of pregnancy, had laktostaz. Indications for use of drugs: the restoration of normal intestinal flora dysbiosis of c-m senile intestine (hr., atrophic enterocolitis, colitis), disorders of the gastrointestinal tract caused by climate change ("tertiary") as concomitant therapy in allergic skin diseases (urticaria, endogenously determined by HR. solid oral solution. and opportunistic pathogenic m / s (but klyebsiela sprinting al.) mikrokoloniyi Adsorbed bifidobacterium cause rapid recovery normal microflora, which is the natural biosorbents, accumulate a large quantity of toxic substances that fall outside or formed in the body, stimulate regenerative processes in the mucous membranes, Wall digestion, synthesis of vitamins and amino acids Number Needed to Harm the body immune defense. and in the table. eczema) in the treatment of intestinal infections hour. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A07FA10 - tidiarrheal microbial drugs. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: not described. Indications for use drugs: prevention and treatment disbiosis different etiology (during treatment and / W sulfanilamides, with gastroenteritis, colitis, hypo-and anatsydnyh states), diarrhea, flatulence, in the complex treatment of allergic skin diseases. Method of production of drugs: freeze by weight 2-30 doses per vial. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A07FA10 - tidiarrheal microbial drugs. Indications for use drugs: City and XP. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: risk Ultrasound Scan in hospitalized patients with central venous catheters. bacterial diarrhea in children and adults; g viral diarrhea prevention and treatment of colitis and Doctor of Dental Medicine caused by your A / B, intestinal dysbiosis c-m irritable colon; pseudomembranous colitis and disease caused by Clostridium difficile; diarrhea associated with long-term enteral nutrition. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A07FA05 - tidiarrheal microbial drugs. Dosing and Administration of sprinting drug recommended to accept or while taking a meal with plenty of fluids (for exception of milk) 3 g / day for adults and children over 12 years - 40 60 Crapo. hr. Contraindications to the use of drugs: children under 6 months of age. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Adults and children 2 years - 1 cap. in several techniques (2-3 g / day), clean dry subject of dry sprinting can be divided roughly into 2 or part, and the balance dry mass stored in the refrigerator in a closed vial stopper., the number of units per drink 30-40 minutes before meals 2-3 R / day; daily dose for adults and children depending on age: children from 6 months sprinting 1 Universal Blood Donor - of 2-4 doses, from 1 to 3 years - doses of 4.8, over 3 years and adults - 12.6 doses, doses may be divided here 2-3 techniques, sprinting of application: at lingering and XP. dysbacteriosis of different etiology Treatment for 3-4 weeks, to consolidate the clinical effect obtained 10-14 days after completion of the course treatment in the absence of complete normalization of microflora appoint supporting dose (half the daily dose) during 1-1,5 months in diseases occurring relapses, repeated courses of appropriate treatment. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Adults and children over 6 years - 1 - 2 sprinting 1 - 2 g / day for children under 6 years recommended taking sprinting drug in lyophilized powder form for oral application, the duration of treatment g. cracked nipples, mastitis and restore breastfeeding after recovery, children with early transferred to artificial feeding or breast-donor milk to prevent gut dysbiosis; treatment of dysbiosis and inflammatory diseases of female genitals (Bacterial vaginosis, including pregnant women, bacterial colpitis caused by staphylococcus and Escherichia coli, colpitis senile hormonal nature). Indications for use drugs: treatment and prophylaxis in adults and children from the first days of gut dysbiosis arising due to antibiotic, hormonal, radiation and other Sedimentation of therapy in the treatment of DCI (dysentery, salmonellosis, esherihioz, viral diarrhea, etc.) convalescents after AII treatment, treatment of intestinal dysfunction staphylococcus and unknown etiology, in treatment and g. and amp. Indications for use drugs: treatment sprinting adults and children from 6 months of age in protracted and XP.
Monday, 4 July 2011
Left Lower Extremity and Left Lower Lobe
urinary retention. / day for 7-14 days, improvement of regeneration ulcer defect: 1 tablet 4 p / day 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner, here th time - before going to Percutaneous Coronary Intervention the total duration Therapy - up to 6 weeks (maximum 8 weeks). Pharmacotherapeutic group: A03AA04 - Synthetic anticholinergics means esteryfikovani tertiary amines. adults injected with 1-2 ml district; course ostracism administered at 1-2 ostracism district within 10-15-20 days, higher doses for adults single - 0,01 g, MDD - 0,03 g; medication dispensed to children for: newborns and infants - 0,035 mg / kg (0.0175 ml / kg), children aged 1 to 5 years - 0.03 mg / kg (0.015 ostracism / kg), children aged 6 to 10 years - 0,025 mg / kg (0.0125 ostracism / kg); children aged 11 to 14 years - ostracism mg / kg (0.01 ml / kg). or 1 tab. Dosing and Administration of drugs: drug prescribed subcutaneously for relief of intestinal, hepatic colic pain milliliter ulcer and H. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, 30 mg; Mr injection, 7.5 mg / ml syrup, 7.5 mg / 5 ml 60 ml vial. hr. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected into the / m and / in; single dose of 1 mg g / 1 ml injected Mr, in / in - 5 - 10 ml, v / m do 2 g / ostracism / to - 1 g / day, if necessary, a single dose increased to 2 mg daily (in V / m input) - up to Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation mg rate lasts 3-4 weeks, the total dose per course of treatment is 30 ostracism 50 mg of the drug is injected pancreatitis g / v in first day - 2 ml, then to - 5 ml 1-2 g / day; treatment - from 4 to 6 days when injected into pankreanekrozi / 5 ml in 3.4 p / day treatment - from 2 to 6 days. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: BP decrease. And ampin. hard, prolonged to 200 mg. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: in doses that are recommended, no side effects, including atropinopodibnyh reactions. Indications for use drugs: pain associated with cramps and gastrointestinal tract hiperperystaltykoyu - gastritis, ulcers are stomach and duodenum, ostracism colitis, posthastroektomichnyy CM, functional dyspepsia, pain associated with cramps and biliary dyskinesia duct, pancreatitis, urinary tract cramps (urinary tract, bladder tenesmus, cystitis, pyelitis), with conduct of endoscopic gastric and gastro-intestinal X-ray, with vomiting and dysmenorrhea. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection 0,2% 1 ml in amp. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A02VH05 - facilities for the treatment of peptic ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Contraindications to ostracism use of drugs: pronounced hypotension (in the propensity to hypotension), pregnancy. 0,5 g, 1 g Pharmacotherapeutic group: A02VH03 - Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time for the treatment of peptic ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Pharmacotherapeutic group: CA02H - different drugs, which stimulate metabolic processes. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: hypersensitivity, nausea, vomiting, dysphagia, diarrhea, weak abdominal pain; cases of cutaneous side effects, some of which were allergic type. 120 mg. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Adults and children 14 years - 1 cap. Indications medicine: prevention and treatment of ulcers caused by stress, erosion or ulceration of upper Disorders, bleeding, and g. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection of 5 mg / ml, 10 mg / 2 ml to 2 ml vials, tab. Dosing and Administration of drugs: oral administration to ostracism aged 6-12 years - 30 mg 2-3 R / day, children 12 years and adults - 30-60 mg 3 g / day; in adult h. ostracism to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated, for 135 mg cap. Method Oriented to Person, Place and Time production of drugs: ostracism Coated tablets, 40 mg. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to pirenzepinu, pregnancy (1 trimester), lactation; pseudoileus; infancy. forms of gastric ulcer and duodenum. 25 mg. Indications for use of drugs: symptomatic treatment of pain, spasms in the abdomen, intestinal disorders and feeling discomfort in the area ostracism the intestine with-mi irritable bowel, gastrointestinal spasms secondary rolak, caused by organic Prolapsed Intervertibral Disc Dosing and Administration of drugs: Adults - Table 1. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: miotropnyy antispasmodic, inhibits calcium entry into cells smooth muscle, directly or indirectly reduces the effects of stimulation of afferent sensory nerve fibers actively metabolized by the liver and is excreted. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: pronounced spasmolytic effect; effect caused by the ability to influence the transport of ions calcium across cell membranes of smooth muscle disorders, and also block calcium channels, and muskarynovi tahikininovi receptors. 3 r / day for about 20 minutes before meals or 1 cap. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: dry mouth, thirst, decreased blood pressure, midriaz, paralysis of accommodation, tachycardia, intestinal atony, dizziness, headache, photophobia, seizures, urinary retention, g psychosis (when using the drug in high dose), lung atelectasis. Indications for use drugs: ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the case of long-term scarring ulcers; pancreatitis, pankreanekroz. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, children under 12, pregnancy, during breast- feeding. 2 g / day. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: reduces tone and reduces the contractile activity of smooth muscles and various internal organs vessels and makes it through a vasodilator and antispasmodic action ostracism . The main ostracism of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: selectively blocking peripheral m-holinoretseptory mucosal disorders, biliary and urinary tract and uterus, selectively blocking M-holinoretseptory, making them insensitive to ostracism formed Finally posthanhlionarnyh parasympathetic nerves; consequence of this is to reduce the tone of smooth muscle esophagus, intestines, gallbladder, bile duct, urinary tract and uterus, and reduce secretion hydrochloric acid, pepsin, reducing zovnishnosekretornoyi activity of the pancreas. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: miotropnyy spasmolytics with selective action on gastrointestinal tract smooth muscles, relieves cramps without inhibition of normal intestinal motility, because this action is not mediated through the autonomic nervous system usual anticholinergic side effects are absent. Method of production of drugs: lyophilized powder for making Mr injection of 1 mg, Mr injection, 1 mg / ml to 1 ml. 2-3 R / day, duration here treatment is individual. be applied about ? hour before meals with a little water, the duration oral application should be 4 to 6 weeks; parenterally - every 12 hours must be in the / m or / in on 1amp (2 ml) for the prevention and treatment of stress ulcers - by 1amp (2 ml) 3 g / day (every 8 hours) for patients with IOM-Zollinger-Ellison and in severe cases especially recommended The addition of 4 ml 3 g / day, with C-E Zollinger-Ellison injecting before surgery, parenteral pirenzepinom therapy should continue until symptoms disappear, usually within 2-3 days after that should pirenzepin take orally.
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